If you are a keyless car owner, you must take adequate steps to prevent falling victim to this theft.
Keyless cars are adding convenience by allowing drivers to start their vehicles with the press of a button or simply by being in proximity. However, there have been reports about keyless car theft rising alongside their popularity. During 2022-2023, there were approximately 480 keyless or relay car theft incidents in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. This is a significant increase from around 135 incidents in the previous year (2021-2022). So, if you are a keyless car owner, you must take adequate steps to prevent falling victim to this theft. Read on to learn more about keyless car theft and its prevention!

What is a Keyless Entry Car?

Typically, a keyless entry car uses a remote lock system utilising a key fob that wirelessly communicates with the vehicle to unlock it. The working is simple the car senses the presence of the fob using short-range radio waves, and if it’s found at a distance of 5 meters or less, the door will automatically unlock. Once you turn off the engine, close the door, and walk away from the vehicle, the keyless or relay car entry car will automatically be locked.

How Thieves Are Attacking a Keyless Car?

Thieves often steal keyless entry cars by distorting the radio signals emitted by the car. For this, they use a relay amplifier that boosts the car key signal, making it look like the key fob is nearby. This unlocks the car door, leading to theft.

Some thieves use another approach, such as blocking the car’s signal as soon as you walk away from the vehicle. As a result, the door does not lock, and they can easily get inside and fulfil their malicious aims.

Tips to Prevent Keyless Car Theft

Use an Immobiliser

Using an immobiliser is a highly effective method to prevent keyless entry car theft. It is an electronic device that prevents the vehicle from starting unless the key fob or correct key is present. This makes it impossible for thieves to hotwire the car or start the engine, ultimately keeping your precious vehicle safe.

Install a Tracking Device

Although most keyless entry vehicles come with a tracking device, it’s advisable to install one of your own. A tracking device will enable you to locate your car if it’s stolen, increasing the chances of recovery. In addition, it may send alerts to your smartphone if an unauthorised movement is detected. You can use this information to take immediate action against the theft and notify the relevant authorities.

Invest in a Keyless Entry Car Theft Pouch

Investing in a keyless entry car theft pouch is an incredible preventive measure against theft. These pouches are made from a special metallic material that blocks radio waves. You can simply place the keys inside the pouch and minimise the risk of the relay amplifier intercepting the car’s fob key fob signals to prevent theft.

Overall, Keyless entry cars offer enhanced convenience, but their theft is also gaining traction. To prevent this, you must adopt some preventive measures, such as using an immobiliser, installing a tracking device, and investing in a keyless car entry theft pouch. By understanding the risks and implementing appropriate security measures, car owners can significantly reduce the likelihood of falling victim to keyless car thefts.